- Consulting
- Development
- Product Branding Customization
- Testing
- Go-Live Support
- Entire solution with semi agile methodology
- On-Time, On-Budget Delivery
- Zero Defect Go-Live
The customer is a known name in developing enterprise level tools/softwares to optimize the growth of the companies.
Client had only virtual idea that needed to be reality.
The ideas that were required to be incorporated were very complex.
There were far many stakeholders involved in functioning of the tool and was difficult to bring every stake holder into a single platform.
The aim of the project is to generate solutions by asking employees to provide ideas for various problems. Evaluate the ideas provided by the employees, implement the best suited idea and analyze the impact of the implementation.
B2B functioning, configuration was required.
Software tool required to be customizable to a particular enterprise's needs.
The platform required to be user friendly across the different end users with the different background.
Dedicated a team of Drupal Developers and UI/UX Experts to develop the tool.
Since the software had to be sold to enterprises, it had to be easily configurable across different environments.
Modular solution was proposed so that the software can be used across different enterprises with their branding.
Services Offered
Benefits to the Client